gosto tanto do tempo nublado, e com nevoeiro. é como se as nuvens tivesse decidido vir cá para baixo e tenham gostado do que virão, ou não. durante esse tempo a única coisa que nos apetece fazer é ir estar no quentinho, ver filmes românticos, comer chocolate e deitar no sofá o dia todo. comigo é assim, sempre. admito que o sol é sempre bem vindo, mas tenho um carinho especial pelo nevoeiro. sou uma pessoa estranha. gosto do escuro, e não me importava de trocar o dia pela noite. gosto de coisas sombrias, atrai um certo mistério e isso agrada-me. por outro lado, o sol também me atrai, o que tem muita luz me atrai. o meio termo é demasiado banal para qualquer atenção minha. é demasiado comum.
gold #1
Taro entered the ball room. Everyone was swinging to the enchanting music and so no one noticed him there. He grabbed a drink from a waiter passing by and his eyes met with Ken, who smiled. His brother kept on dancing with his partner although Taro could notice he was waiting to get out of her arms. Her dress was too loud, too bouncy. She was grabbing him with such strength that Ken was almost carrying her around instead of dancing. He barely faced her as he was scanning everyone in that ballroom, gathering information no one else could with just his eyes. The song was over. Ken bowed in respect and left her side. The girl didn't manage to get any words out of her mouth before he became unreachable. - So, is everything ready? Taro nodded. The music started playing again. Some of the ones who were dancing decided to leave this one out. Others who didn't get the chance earlier jumped right in formation. Taro had a glimpse of the empty throne when everyone steppe...
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